Khanpur is located in Southern part of Delhi in India. This city is surrounded by Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Madangir, Dakishinpuri, Tigri and including Indo-Tibetan border. Besides that the UNCIVPOL is located at a place called Tigri in Khanpur. The populated area is Gujjar and it is on the name of Akbar.
About Private Detectives Kanpur :
We are experienced as well as ISO registered trademark since 25 years. We are service providers through out the world. We deal with people who are victims of threat and cheated. It is our responsibility to investigate pre matrimonial, post matrimonial, undercover, adult cases, court case, tracing missing person, shadowing, spy on employees, cheating, and theft cases.
Private detectives services in Khanpur:
We also conduct back ground verification employment verification, asset verification, certificate verification, company profile verification. We can even identify the location of the suspect. Agents will watch the suspect very carefully and they will provide the evidence through audio recordings and video surveillance.